Przejdź do treści


    Submission deadline is 30 June 2024.

    Submitting a film to the Festival takes place in the following manner:

    • After completing and submitting the Entry Form located below, the generated PDF will be delivered to the email address given in the Entry Form (the message is generated automatically – if it does not appear in the inbox within a few minutes, please check the SPAM folder).
    • At the stage of selecting films for the Competition, no paper documents are required.
    • Screening copies and printed Entry Forms of films qualified for the competitions of the WAMA Film Festival must be delivered to the Organizer to the address:

      Stowarzyszenie FILMFORUM
      ul. gen. Władysława Andersa 35
      00-159 Warsaw, Poland
      with the postscript: „WAMA Film Festival”


      character limit: Polish version - 0/500

      character limit: English version - 0/500

      character limit: Polish version - 0/500

      character limit: English version - 0/500

      Storage format of the screening copy:

      *related to the Short Film Competition only
