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Znamy finalny program polsko-norweskich warsztatów w Lillehammer!

    Przedstawiamy program pierwszego etapu warsztatów, których finał odbędzie się w trakcie WAMA Film Festival w Olsztynie.



    2021-09-22 (Wednesday)

    18:00 – 19:00
    Official opening of the workshops „INNOVATIVE DIRECTING ACADEMY – LILLEHAMMER”
    Meeting with organizers.
    Fabrikken – Filmteltet, Løkkegata 9, 2615 Lillehammer

    2021-09-23 (Thursday)

    7:00 – 8:30
    Scandic Victoria Hotel, Nymosvingen 13, 2609 Lillehammer

    9:00 – 10:00
    Group 1Group 2
     Masterclass: „Narrative structure
    and formatting of commercial film production” conducting: Alexander Turpin Inland University College (Paviljongen), Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer  
    Masterclass: „The role of a creative producer in the development of a film project” conducting: Nicholas Sando Inland University College (Paviljongen), Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer  
    10:30 – 11:30
    Group 1Group 2
     Discussion & consultation: „Narrative structure and formatting of commercial film production” conducting: Alexander Turpin Inland University College (Paviljongen), Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 LillehammerDiscussion & consultation: „The role
    of a creative producer in the development of a film project” conducting: Nicholas Sando Inland University College (Paviljongen), Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer

    12:00 – 13:00
    Inland University College, Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer

    13:00 – 14:00
    Group 1Group 2
     Masterclass: „The role of a creative producer in the development of a film project” conducting: Nicholas Sando Inland University College (Paviljongen), Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer  Masterclass: „Narrative structure
    and formatting of commercial film production” conducting: Alexander Turpin Inland University College (Paviljongen), Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer
    14:30 – 15:30
    Group 1Group 2
     Discussion & consultation: „The role
    of a creative producer in the development of a film project” conducting: Nicholas Sando Inland University College (Paviljongen), Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer
    Discussion & consultation: „Narrative structure and formatting of commercial film production” conducting: Alexander Turpin Inland University College (Paviljongen), Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer

    19:00 – 21:00
    Retrospective of Polish short films (film screening)
    Fabrikken – Filmteltet, Løkkegata 9, 2615 Lillehammer

    2021-09-24 (Friday)

    7:00 – 8:30
    Scandic Victoria Hotel, Nymosvingen 13, 2609 Lillehammer

    9:00 – 10:00
    Masterclass (Group 1): „Developing the visual concept of the film while working on the script”
    conducting: Fanny Ovesen
    Inland University College (Paviljongen), Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer

    10:00 – 10:45
    Discussion & consultation (Group 1): „Developing the visual concept of the film while working on the script”
    conducting: Fanny Ovesen
    Inland University College (Paviljongen), Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer

    11:15 – 12:15
    Masterclass (Group 2): „Developing the visual concept of the film while working on the script”
    conducting: Fanny Ovesen
    Inland University College (Paviljongen), Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer

    12:15 – 13:00
    Discussion & consultation (Group 2): „Developing the visual concept of the film while working on the script”
    conducting: Fanny Ovesen
    Inland University College (Paviljongen), Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer

    13:00 – 14:00
    Inland University College, Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer

    14:00 – 15:30
    Amandus BLIKKFANG Film Festival – Program 1 (film screening)
    Fabrikken – Filmteltet, Løkkegata 9, 2615 Lillehammer

    15:30 – 16:00
    Amandus BLIKKFANG Film Festival – talk with filmmakers from Program 1
    Fabrikken – Bakgården, Løkkegata 9, 2615 Lillehammer

    16:30 – 18:00
    Amandus BLIKKFANG Film Festival – Program 2 (film screening)
    Fabrikken – Filmteltet, Løkkegata 9, 2615 Lillehammer

    18:00 – 18:30
    Amandus BLIKKFANG Film Festival – talk with filmmakers from Program 2
    Fabrikken – Bakgården, Løkkegata 9, 2615 Lillehammer

    19:00 – 20:00
    Fabrikken – Bakgården, Løkkegata 9, 2615 Lillehammer

    21:00 – 22:20
    Filmquiz with Lillehammer’s filmclub
    Fabrikken – Bakgården, Løkkegata 9, 2615 Lillehammer

    22:30 – 23:59
    Evening Party
    Fabrikken – Bakgården, Løkkegata 9, 2615 Lillehammer

    2021-09-25 (Saturday)

    8:00 – 9:30
    Scandic Victoria Hotel, Nymosvingen 13, 2609 Lillehammer

    11:00 – 12:30
    Amandus BLIKKFANG Film Festival – Program 3 (film screening)
    Fabrikken – Filmteltet, Løkkegata 9, 2615 Lillehammer

    12:30 – 13:00
    Amandus BLIKKFANG Film Festival – talk with filmmakers from Program 3
    Fabrikken – Bakgården, Løkkegata 9, 2615 Lillehammer

    13:30 – 15:00
    Amandus BLIKKFANG Film Festival – Program 4 (film screening)
    Fabrikken – Filmteltet, Løkkegata 9, 2615 Lillehammer

    15:00 – 15:30
    Amandus BLIKKFANG Film Festival – talk with filmmakers from Program 4
    Fabrikken – Bakgården, Løkkegata 9, 2615 Lillehammer

    15:30 – 16:30

    16:00 – 17:30
    Amandus BLIKKFANG Film Festival – Program 5 (film screening)
    Fabrikken – Filmteltet, Løkkegata 9, 2615 Lillehammer

    17:30 – 18:00
    Amandus BLIKKFANG Film Festival – talk with filmmakers from Program 5
    Fabrikken – Bakgården, Løkkegata 9, 2615 Lillehammer

    20:00 – 21:00
    Amandus BLIKKFANG Film Festival – Awards Ceremony
    Fabrikken – Filmteltet, Løkkegata 9, 2615 Lillehammer

    21:00 – 23:59
    Fabrikken – Bakgården, Løkkegata 9, 2615 Lillehammer

    2021-09-26 (Sunday)

    8:00 – 9:30
    Scandic Victoria Hotel, Nymosvingen 13, 2609 Lillehammer

    10:00 – 11:00
    Masterclass: „Distribution, international sales and festival policy”
    conducting: Ewa Kozikowska
    Inland University College (Paviljongen), Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer

    11:30 – 12:30
    Discussion & consultation: „Distribution, international sales and festival policy”
    conducting: Ewa Kozikowska
    Inland University College (Paviljongen), Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer

    13:00 – 15:00
    Retrospective from WAMA Film Festival (film screening)
    Lillehammer Kino – sale nr 4, Kirkegata 69, 2609 Lillehammer

    13:00 – 14:00
    Masterclass: „Planning and implementation of a promotional strategy for a film project”
    conducting: Kaja Szulc-Nweke
    Inland University College (Paviljongen), Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer

    14:30 – 15:30
    Discussion & consultation: „Planning and implementation of a promotional strategy for a film project”
    conducting: Kaja Szulc-Nweke
    Inland University College (Paviljongen), Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer

    15:30 – 16:30
    Inland University College, Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer

    17:00 – 18:00
    Ceremonial presentation of certificates.
    Inland University College (Paviljongen), Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer


    Organizatorem WAMA Film Festival jest Instytut KOSMOPOLIS Fundacja Nauki, Kultury i Edukacji w Olsztynie. Producentem festiwalu jest Stowarzyszenie FILMFORUM.

    Głównym mecenasem wydarzenia jest Samorząd Województwa Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, a głównym współorganizatorem: Centrum Edukacji i Inicjatyw Kulturalnych w Olsztynie.

    Program wydarzeń branżowych w ramach cyklu „Polish-Norwegian Film Festivals Cooperation” dofinansowano ze środków Mechanizmu Finansowego Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego (MF EOG) 2014-2021 oraz ze środków budżetu państwa.

    Projekt dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury, Dziedzictwa Narodowego i Sportu pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury.

    Festiwal współfinansuje Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej.

    Towarzyszące Festiwalowi działania edukacyjne wspierają: Program Unii Europejskiej ERASMUS+ oraz Narodowe Centrum Kultury.

    Partnerem logistycznym festiwalu jest Grupa JD Kulej Autoryzowany Dealer Marek Ford i KIA w Olsztynie, a partnerem technologicznym BEIKS Machulski.

    Partnerami międzynarodowymi tegorocznej edycji festiwalu są: Stiftelsen Amandusfestivalen (Norwegia), Associazione Cinematografica e Culturale LABORATORIO DEI SOGNI (Włochy), CinemaHall (Ukraina) oraz KINOGRAPHE (Francja).